An excellent heat dissipation material –CVD
CVD Diamond is a special substance with extraordinary physical and chemical properties. Its extreme performance is unmatched by any other material. CVD diamond is optically transparent in an almost continuous wavelength range from ultraviolet (UV) to terahertz (THz). The transmittance of CVD diamond without anti-reflection coating reaches 71%, and it has the highest hardness and thermal conductivity among all known materials. It also has extremely high wear resistance, chemical inertness and excellent radiation resistance. The combination of CVD diamond's excellent properties can be applied in multiple wavebands such as X-ray, ultraviolet, infrared, microwave and so on.
CVD Diamond plays an irreplaceable role as traditional optical materials in terms of high energy input, low dielectric loss, high Raman gain, low beam distortion, and erosion resistance.CVD is an important component of various special optics in industry, aerospace, military and other fields. Important base material for components. CVD Diamond-based infrared guidance windows, high-energy laser windows, high-energy microwave windows, laser crystals and other optical components play an important role in many fields such as modern industry and national defense security.
Typical application cases and performance advantages of diamond optical components:
1. Output coupler, beam splitter and exit window of kilowatt CO2 laser; (low beam distortion)
2.Microwave energy transmission window for megawatt-class gyrotrons in magnetic confinement nuclear fusion reactors; (low dielectric loss)
3. Infrared optical window for infrared guidance and infrared thermal imaging; (high strength, thermal shock resistance, erosion resistance)
4. Attenuated total reflection (ATR) crystal in the infrared spectrum; (wide infrared transmittance, wear resistance, chemical inertness)
5. Raman laser, Brillouin laser. (High Raman gain, high beam quality)
Fundamental Data Sheet